Run particular code
To run only particular parts of the code you can run ansible with --tags
To include/exclude whole roles:
- config
- software
Example: including only config
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml setup-ubuntu.yml --tags "config" -K
Above will run only configuration part of the automation, it won't install/update any software
Example: Multiple tags at once
You can run multiple multiple tags at once:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml setup-ubuntu.yml --tags "neovim,neovim-config,tmux" -K
Example: including particular software installation without config
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml setup-ubuntu.yml --tags "zsh" --skip-tags "config" -K
Above will run only software
role for ZSH, and will not run configuration for it.
For particular functionality (software
+ config
) below tags are available:
- ansible
- diff-so-fancy
- fd
- fzf
- git
- git-fuzzy
- gita
- helm
- k9s
- kind
- kubectl
- lazygit
- lsg
- neovim-config
- neovim
- nvm
- p10k
- puppet
- ripgrep
- rust
- rvm
- sdkman
- software_packages
thefuck# temporarily disabled. See docs.- tmux
- w32yank
- yq
- zoxide
- zsh
- gvm
- terraform
- terragrunt
- azurecli
- awscli